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Jewels of Judaism

Practicing the Sabbath with Community - by Daniel Goldstein

Practicing the Sabbath with Community - by Daniel Goldstein

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A Christian Guidebook for Restoring a Day of Rest from a Jewish Perspective.

Is the Sabbath still for today???

Many Christians believe that since Jesus fulfilled the Law, the Sabbath has therefore been nullified. Others may respond that Christians have found their true rest in Jesus and He, thereby, has become one's spiritual rest. Both of these responses make the Sabbath principle obsolete and validate a seven-day work week. This book has been written for those who, in one way or another, would answer YES to the above question.

An affirmative answer to the above question in no way contradicts all that Jesus did by fulfilling the Law. The Sabbath existed before the Law was even given. Sabbath rest is a foundational principle upon which this world we live in was created. God set an example for all of humanity by working six days and taking one day to rest. How does one make a weekly day of rest a reality in this fast-paced world? Practicing the Sabbath with Community has been written to answer this question. The author, Daniel Goldstein, has been living in Israel for the past several years and has been living out the Sabbath in community.

It is from this perspective that he provides an in-depth look at the traditional Jewish celebration of the Sabbath, accompanied with many practical insights for singles and families alike in order to restore a weekly day of rest that is fun and rejuvenating.

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